Services in Enneagram

Coaching with Enneagram

Enneagram for Recruitment

Enneagram for Self Transformation

Soft Skills Training with Enneagram

Team Intervention with Enneagram

Mr. Raj Prabakar

Soft Skills Trainer | Coach | Mentor

Enneagram Specialist

Ms.Aruna Sundari,

Psychometrician | Coach

Enneagram Specialist

Coaching with Enneagram


Coaching is a step by step personal transformation attained with the support of a mentor or coach. A defined goal is set at the beginning of the coaching program. A time frame is fixed based on the goal set. The Mentor or the Coach understands the strengths and limitations of the Coachee and provides wisdom, expertise and support in developing the coachee in attaining the Goal. Enneagram is an extraordinary tool which is used in Coaching in identifying the personality pattern and its strength and limitations.


At FYMC we have Internationally Certified Coaches specialized in using Enneagram. Mr. Raj Prabakar and Ms.Aruna Sundari are two key people who has been working in the field of HR and Psychology in the Indian Corporate world. They are Certified and Qualified Enneagram Teachers who has used Enneagram in India in their Soft Skills Training Programs, Coaching, Counseling, Selection and OD interventions.


Enneagram for Recruitment


The success of an organization is directly proportional to the Productivity of the Human Resources. Enough research has proved that only motivational factors can make humans productive. Fitment of Right person to the Right Job provides sustained motivation to humans in their work life. When the job fitment is appropriate there is lesser need for close supervision, employee engagement , lesser team conflicts and poor morale. Enneagram provides the wholistic personality report which becomes a very supportive document for the HR’s to relate to and decide if the candidate would best suit the position.


For Example, Enneagram 3 Types make very good sales personal by default. They are highly positive and confident people. They are competent, competitive and very good in closing a sale. Similarly Enneagram 1 Types are very good in working in depth and in detail.


When Enneagram is used for recruitment, we often get one question from the Management Recruitment Team “ Does it mean that only certain types will fit the requirement and all other types will not fit?”. Though the question sounds very genuine and appropriate, the answer is “No”. Incase if the other types have mastered the job needs through experience and learned skills , it means that they have overcome their personality limitation. Hence they will make a good fitment for the job. Enneagram helps in selecting the right personality fit which can be a lot more productive and saves time, energy and cost incurred to develop a fitment.


Enneagram for Self Transformation


The first step to transformation is Understanding our core self . Identifying our pattern on  how we perceive, think, process and behave is very important. This insight helps us to alter our Outlook towards life and embrace changes in a much easier way. Resistance towards Change is minimised.


Breaking our own pattern and reconstructing it wisely provides us the wisdom to understand how every other person have their own pattern in perceiving the world. This insight provides an intellectual state of understanding others. In turn it enhances interpersonal relationship.


Soft Skills Training with Enneagram


Soft Skills Training has been one of the Top Rated Service of FYMC for almost Two decades. Enneagram has been extensively used in all the Soft Skills Development Programs. The issues which the participants face in the business scenario is directly linked to their basic personality and belief system.


The gap between the business need and personal blocks is understood, Clarified and best possible solutions are provided using Enneagram as a training and development tool. The combination of management techniques along with the personality factor increases the participants learning skill, understanding and adopting to change a lot more easier.


Team Intervention with Enneagram


There was a new employee who had joined that company after 5 rounds of Written and Oral interview. Orientation went on smoothly and the real official scenario started. Two months past by then. The boss was initially unhappy and as days passed by he became more and more annoyed with the new joinee. He began to relate, pinpoint and accuse the employee for all the issues. An intervention was done at this stage and the employee was first interviewed. The employee was exhausted, angry and also little anxious as he had never received such remarks from his previous employer. He did all the work which was entrusted to him. Every report he submitted had all the facts and figures which his boss could use in the board meeting. The employee was annoyed because he didn’t get an answer as to why he was not acknowledged. During the intervention it was found that the Boss was Type 3, the Performer and Subordinate was a Type 1. Every time the boss asked for a report the employee took a long time to prepare the report with all the detailed datas which was not relevant to the need. Whereas the boss received late reports with unrequired data. He was annoyed with the report arrival time as his presentation preparation had less time. He was also annoyed with irrelevant details on the report and considered it unwanted. Here the employee was highly satisfied with his work however had provided unnecessary data. The boss did not communicate his actual need properly and was just expecting customized results. When the basic nature of both typologies and their expectation pattern was discussed, there were many other aspects which came to light. There was better understanding between both of them. Communication style changed and both of them could actually understand what the other person expected.


This is the power of Enneagram. The moment the personality is identified then it becomes easier to alter the pattern of thinking and behaviour. Team interventions were done using Enneagram as a tool which gave immense results in our OD interventions.


Catalyst for Transformation


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